CodeScene Command Reference¶
cs delta¶
Run a delta analysis. A delta analysis compares your current work against a
previous state of your code. See also `cs docs git-hooks`.
$ cs delta [<options>] [<branch> [<branch>]]
--staged Examine only staged content.
--interactive Run command with interactive mode, forcing user input for findings. For more info try `cs docs interactive`.
--git-hook Run as a git hook. For more info try `cs docs git-hooks`.
--output-format Output in json or edn format. Default is human-readable.
--pretty Use in conjunction with --format to pretty-print the output.
--verbose Verbose output
-h, --help Show this help
$ cs delta Analyse all non-committed changes
$ cs delta --output-format json As above, but output in json format. Note that
specifying any output-format will report new issues
only - i.e. no improvents or explanations
$ cs delta main Analyse changes against the main branch
$ cs delta main feat Analyse changes between two branches
$ cs delta main~30 main Analyse the latest 30 commits on main
cs review¶
Check a file for code health issues and print the results in a JSON structure
$ cs review [<options>] [<file>]
--file-name Specify the file-name when reading from stdin
--output-format Output in json or edn format. Default is human-readable.
--pretty Use in conjunction with --format to pretty-print the output.
--verbose Verbose output
-h, --help Show this help
$ cs review test.c Check the file test.c
$ cs review master:./test.c Check the file test.c on the master branch
$ cs review 801b0c0f:./test.c Check the file test.c at the given commit
$ cs review --file-name test.c < test.c Read file data from stdin
cs check¶
Check a file for code health issues and print the results in a lint-like manner.
$ cs check [<options>] [<file>]
--file-name Specify the file-type/extension when reading from stdin
--verbose Verbose output
-h, --help Show this help
$ cs check test.c Check the file test.c
$ cs check master:./test.c Check the file test.c on the master branch
$ cs check 801b0c0f:./test.c Check the file test.c at the given commit
$ cs check --file-name test.c < test.c Read file data from stdin
CodeScene CLI documentation topics
cs docs¶
$ cs docs <topic>
example `cs docs git-hooks`
Delta analysis
📄 git-hooks Using the delta command in a git hook
📄 interactive Using the delta command in interactive mode to prompt user input
📄 interactive-pre-commit-hook-example Outputs an example pre-commit hook using interactive
📄 pre-commit-hook-example Outputs an example pre-commit hook
Editor integration
📄 vim Integrating the "check" command in (neo)vim
📄 license Setting up a license
📄 file-name File-name and language support
📄 code-health-rules Customizing code health rules
📄 code-health-rules-template Outputs a code health rules template
cs check-rules¶
Find out which of your custom rules, if any, matches the given file
This use useful when creating custom code-health-rules.json
$ cs check-rules [<file>]
$ cs check-rules test.c Check which code health rule that matches test.c
cs version¶
Displays the version