
Contributions per author in terms of lines of code and contribution time. Duplicate authors can be merged in the Author alias mapping interface.

Author Added Deleted Net Revisions Months Last Contribution
TomPallister 16952 8837 8115 140 14 2017-09-21
Tom Gardham-Pallister 13597 5719 7878 124 19 2018-02-08
Tom Pallister 12222 4061 8161 48 17 2018-02-03
Philip Wood 3096 2681 415 30 10 2017-12-18
tom.pallister 2658 1357 1301 21 8 2017-06-16
geffzhang 2395 1296 1099 19 4 2017-06-03
Nick Sharp 1278 956 322 5 0 2017-06-29
Juan Carlos Santana Herrera 733 218 515 10 1 2017-05-31
nicksharp 512 527 -15 1 0 2017-06-26
Charalampos Chomenidis 387 32 355 1 0 2017-11-25
Marc Denman 383 300 83 10 1 2017-04-17
Oleksandr Yershov 261 20 241 1 0 2017-09-28
Eilyyyy 156 294 -138 1 0 2017-12-05
hemantkd 114 59 55 1 0 2017-11-20
David Derman 90 90 0 1 0 2017-03-14
Andrew Warren-Love 39 0 39 1 0 2017-12-04
Stuart Saltzman 10 1 9 2 0 2018-02-01
kinglionsoft 10 6 4 2 0 2018-01-19
lousaibiao 4 4 0 1 0 2018-01-10
yuchen1030 1 1 0 1 0 2017-10-26