Delta analysis

Reviewed on Jan 22, 06:09

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Code Health Quality gate
Declining Code Health
1 finding
Improving Code Health
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0 Files


Declining Code Health
(1 type in 1 file)
Files with highest declining Code Health findings are at the top.

The module contains 2 functions with similar structure: PlanningFactorVisualizer.create_text,PlanningFactorVisualizer.create_wall

Duplicated code often leads to code that's harder to change since the same logical change has to be done in multiple functions. More duplication gives lower code health.

A certain degree of duplicated code might be acceptable. The problems start when it is the same behavior that is duplicated across the functions in the module, ie. a violation of the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. DRY violations lead to code that is changed together in predictable patterns, which is both expensive and risky. DRY violations can be identified using CodeScene's X-Ray analysis to detect clusters of change coupled functions with high code similarity. Read More

Once you have identified the similarities across functions, look to extract and encapsulate the concept that varies into its own function(s). These shared abstractions can then be re-used, which minimizes the amount of duplication and simplifies change.